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Gaston Bridge Beat

    £ Seasonal prices
1 Rod - River Wrackle
3/4 Mile - Fishing Hut
Current Store Time: 2024-05-13 01:24:34

The Beat

1 Rod - River Wrackle - 3/4 Mile - Fishing Hut

The section downstream from the ford is best fished from the left bank (and also has the hut at its centre), with a short walk through the farmyard to the upper section which leads to the garden of Wrackleford House.

The Fishing

A varied beat with waders being helpful but not essential. There are two weirs, one close by the fishing hut and the second at the start of the garden section - both create good fish holding areas. Watch out for the deep pool by the hut.


Date Per Rod
1 April - 30th April £80
1st May - 15th May £110
16th May - 19th June £140
20th June - 15th October £95